Psst! Have You Tried These Team Events Yet?

female coworkers enjoying company team events

Summer is often busier than the rest of the year for many companies! As the days rapidly warm up, it’s important to make sure your team not only has the practical tools and skills needed to perform their day-to-day tasks but that they’re equipped with resources to beat the heat and remain mentally and physically well. If you haven’t yet, check out these team events packed with fun and powerful tips to help everyone stay grounded in the coming months.

Healthy Eating for Summer: Look and Feel Your Best!

One of the cool things about food is it’s fun to eat and learn about at the same time! For instance, did you know that in 1897, cotton candy (which we don’t strongly recommend, by the way) was invented by a DENTIST, of all people? Or that apples (which we do recommend) may be more effective for waking you up in the morning than a good ol’ cup of Joe? 

Although not a trivia night, this 45-minute virtual workshop will equip your team with golden nuggets of nutrition information! Click here to sign everyone up for a session that will help them look their best, function at maximum capacity, and feel radiant. 

Chair Yoga & Meditation

Many often dismiss yoga and meditation as a practice reserved only for religious and superstitious folks. However, while it definitely has spiritual roots, it also has many physical and psychological wellness merits backed by science. For example, a recent study showed that 89% of participants in an eight-week stress reduction course experienced reduced chronic pain and depression.

If your workplace has many desk jobs, your team likely spends a considerable amount of time sitting, adversely affecting health. On top of that, mental health challenges like anxiety and depression are prevalent amongst adults. 

Book a spot with our provider, who will teach mindfulness techniques to help your team take charge of their holistic well-being. 

Work/Life Integration: Creating Better Balance

Quite ironically, while it’s supposed to be an empowering experience, many people just end up stressing over how to truly achieve a work-life balance. The truth is, it’s darn near impossible for your team to completely prevent their work from bleeding into their personal life, and vice versa, no matter how hard they try to shut off their computers promptly at 5:00 pm. However, it’s absolutely feasible for them to identify and learn how to effectively split time between priorities, all while keeping burnout at bay.

Visit here to clear a spot on everyone’s calendar for this one-hour workshop, where our provider shares a strategic framework anyone can use to create a personalized action plan to build greater life and career satisfaction.

Want a Healthier, Happier Workforce This Summer? 

Team events are an effective way to encourage greater collaboration among coworkers. Our last article shares a simple five-step method you can use to turn get-togethers from a once-in-a-while thing into a fundamental part of your company culture. And if you’d like more ideas for fun stuff to spread across the coming months, explore our other July spotlight team events!

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