How to Strengthen and Reinforce Your Team’s Mental Fitness

Women connecting with colleagues through video call.

Let’s face it, returning to our office, either virtually or in-person also means going back to old habits and easily forgetting the slow pace we hopefully achieved during our staycation. Our mental health is put once again on the back seat, our routine takes over and we’re back on Zoom more hours than we’d like to count. It’s not surprising that January is our intention-setting month by excellence, but how do we make it last? Physical health is usually at the top of our New Year’s intentions and wellness checklist. But there’s a lot yet to be discovered on the different degrees to which a person can be more or less mentally fit. Here are some learnings we wanted to share with you on this topic and ideas on how mental fitness goes hand in hand with building a strong company culture.

What is mental fitness?

Do you often view life through a glass half empty lens? Do you find a weird comfort in negative thoughts and behaviours? Don’t worry, you are not alone and here’s where mental fitness can help. 

Mental fitness is a state of well-being, achieved by keeping your brain and emotional health in shape. Our brains are neuroplastic, which means that they have the ability to be rewired many times but it also means that every time we allow a negative thought to repeat, it strengthens. The good news is that as we exercise our bodies to build muscles, we can also train our minds to experience positive emotions more regularly and become more resilient.  

Becoming mentally fit

On an individual level:

On a company level: 

Virtual Experiences great for mental fitness 

To support companies in taking a step forward in promoting mental fitness, we incorporated a new category of virtual experiences: Become Your Best Self. All of these activities are designed specially to show employees how mindfulness is a practice that, like a muscle, strengthens over time. Create an account for free to explore our curated selection of activities that promote mental fitness:

At the end of the day, with so many working remotely, it’s imperative we remember there is a face behind the email signature. Remember that “by carefully thinking how and what we say, and spending a few extra minutes on someone, we may well help people more than we will ever know.” (Chico Chakravorty, LinkedIn)

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