How to Create an Effective Culture Plan for 2021

female writing her business culture plans down on sticky notes

As the year comes to a close and we take stock of the goals we’ve accomplished and work on setting new ones for 2021, there’s never been a better time to determine how you can take your company’s culture plans to the next level. A holistic and tailored culture plan helps to keep your teams active, engaged, challenged, and facilitates collaboration in striking ways. Now more than ever is the perfect time to plan and kickstart your 2021 #CultureGoals

With a quarterly and monthly plan, uplift your team’s culture initiatives through expert-led activities that support your employees’ physical, mental, and professional growth. Here’s how you can get started right now in building a healthy company culture in our present-day hybrid workplace. 

Identify your 2021 #CultureGoals

The first step in crafting a culture plan that perfectly meets your teams’ needs is a bit reflective: that of discovery. In other words, begin by looking inwards and surveying what you have to work with. To build a positive workplace culture you’ll first need to assess the challenges by answering some questions. Ask yourself whether your teams lack team building opportunities. Have you identified ways of improving your health and wellness program? Are you invested in developing career growth opportunities for your talent? Once you’ve identified your opportunities for improvement, define your measure of success. What does an answer to each of these considerations look like for your unique set of employees?

Build out your quarterly culture plans

Next comes the planning stage. Once you have considered what worked and what didn’t over the past year, it’s time to begin working on a culture strategy based on your goals for 2021. Speak with your people and gain consensus with respect to interests and needs so that you can design experiences that matter to your employees. It’s important to remember in the planning stage that there is an abundance of intuitive technology out there to make the decision-making process (when it comes to which activities and experiences will help your team’s culture thrive) effective. Thriver’s latest platform updates, for example, were inspired by the goal of supporting culture agents in their decision-making processes. The new polling mechanism allows agents to collate data from employees on which experiences would be most worthwhile for them based on their needs, so that everyone feels valued and excited about their company’s culture, and ultimately so that you can realize your goals for your company. 

Find innovative ways to keep your employees engaged

Engagement is distinct from productivity in that it refers to the passion employees have for their jobs, and the connection they feel to their colleagues. In an era of hybrid work, when some work from home and others from the office, high levels of engagement will give your company the competitive edge in developing products, attracting talent, and building customer loyalty within a potentially crowded landscape. This is why exciting ways to keep up engagement and morale are so important. You can uplift your team’s culture plans and initiatived with expertly-curated VX activities that support your team’s physical, mental, and professional goals. Through innovative, diverse, and exciting VX activities and workshops, you can rally culture champions in your company to inspire other teammates to take action.

Assess the impact and gain momentum

The perfect culture plan is one that opens itself up to feedback and is fluid enough to change and grow as those who participate in it do. This is why it’s important to incorporate the act of collecting feedback into the plan. How are your team members getting on with the activities they’re participating in? Do they feel their experiences are helping them to attain their and your company goals? Ascertaining the answers to these questions and changing course accordingly — assessing the impact, in other words — allows you to optimize your culture plan and gain momentum. This is what inspired Thriver’s latest update to the user experience, which makes gathering feedback easier than ever before. After teams participate in an experience or activity, they can report back on whether they found the exercises meaningful and whether they would recommend it to friends. Having a culture plan that is open to this kind of feedback whilst having the ability to change and expand ensures that your employees feel valued and heard.

Let’s get started with your culture plan for the new year! Visit our platform to discover all your options and connect with a culture expert so that your team can have the best 2021!

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