Celebrating Women at Thriver

A collage depicting photos of women at Thriver

In honor of Women’s History Month and to mark International Women’s Day, we’d like to shine the spotlight on the women who are central to Thriver’s success. These amazing women bring their own unique superpowers to the table every day to make our company the gold standard for a workplace free of bias, discrimination, and inequity. We interviewed them to get to know what makes them so special and inspiring.

Here’s what they had to say.

Zahra – Director of Finance

I like this picture because it was the first time we left Canada after two years of COVID. Thriver supported me when I asked to work remotely for a month, and so I was able to leave winter behind for a few weeks and not only work remotely but spend quality time with my family and as you can see in the candid photo it was sheer happiness.

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

Use your village and don’t feel guilty about it. What that means is that as a woman who wants a family and a career, if there are various support systems that are willing to support you in order to be successful at both then utilize them and don’t feel guilty about having that support. We aim to be the best mothers and also be the best at our jobs and in order to be mentally present in both areas, it is really important we use the village that we have.  

What does self realization mean to you? 

Self realization means knowing what you’re capable of and setting goals on how you can get there, or getting to a place you want to be. Everyone’s goals are different and self realization to me does not mean being the best at everything. It means how are you able to use the skills and experiences you have in different aspects of your life to reach your goals, and those goals can change. They are never stagnant. 

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

To support women, workplaces should have conversations with each employee to understand what they have on their plate. And from that develop an understanding and flexibility to support each woman to be successful in both their careers and outside. Another way workplaces can support women is to provide a mentorship program where female leaders mentor other women in the workplace. 

Melanie – Manager, Customer Success

This is a candid photo my colleague took of me during our company-wide Town Hall where my manager announced I was receiving a promotion. I didn’t ask for a promotion, nor was it my work anniversary. I was given a promotion because my employers felt I was deserving of one. They recognized my worth and went on to make sure I knew just how much they valued me. This photo represents one of my proudest moments, not because I received a promotion, but because the nature of the promotion reassured me that I was working for the right type of people. 

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

If you can do the task in under 2 minutes, do it. Get it out of the way so you can focus on the bigger things without having a build up of small to-do’s constantly lingering in the back of your mind.

What does self realization mean to you? 

Understanding that we can do anything, but not everything. Focusing on what is in our control and setting realistic goals to challenge ourselves, without biting off more than we can chew. 

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

Promote within and give women a seat at the table.

Daria – SEO Manager

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman?

There is always more good than bad in the world, even if you don’t feel it now. Don’t let negative events or people change who you are. Keep your soul filled with love.  

What does self-realization mean to you?

It is simple but hard. Be free to do what I like to do and don’t do what I don’t like to do.

What can workplaces do to support women better?

I feel like some industries, like IT, are already doing a great job supporting women. However, I have friends working in more old-fashioned industries, where it is hard to be the only female employee in the team. For example, they might not be invited for team lunch by a boss, while everyone else gets the invite, which is more than sad 🙁 I hope that the environment created in innovative workplaces will soon be established across all industries.

Koeun – Software Engineer

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman?

“The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them.”

– Michelle Obama

What does self realization mean to you?

I believe self realization is the process of understanding myself, knowing what I love, pursuing what I am passionate about, and realizing my full potential. It is something that gives me higher confidence and makes my life more meaningful.

What can workplaces do to support women better?

Address childcare burden on working women by offering flexible hours, remote work, or better office space for both women and men, take action against sexual harassment, and invest in education around women’s issues in the workplace.

Heidi – Product Designer 

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman?

My mom told me to seek first to understand, then to be understood.

What does self-realization mean to you?

Self realization to me is to find insight into the direction you want to take in life to be happy.

Anum – Content Manager

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman?

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”

– Alice Walker

What does self-realization mean to you?

It’s a constant journey of aligning and realigning myself with my core values, goals (short-term and long-term), what and how I want to prioritize my life or make more time for people and things that are important to me.

What can workplaces do to support women better?

Make a conscious effort to identify and increase the balance of men and women in the company, have conversations regularly with leadership, management, and the team about providing equal opportunities for all genders, and allowing space for everyone to speak and be heard.

Maria – Customer Support Associate 

Attached is my photo, and I like it because I’m in my favourite spot from back home. I love the fact that I can enjoy nature and the beach, which I deeply love!

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman?

I remember my mom used to love this quote and kept repeating it when I was a child: “Be the woman who fixes another woman’s crown without telling the world that it was crooked.” My mom always encouraged me to build other women up, so we could all shine! That also means helping other women go through their battles without making them feel like they owe us something in return. You are not doing it to be honoured. In a gentle approach, your only desire is to give a hand to another woman, who could also have been you.

What does self-realization mean to you?

Self-realization is recognizing and finding out your “true self”, not what people think you are.

And along with this comes each one’s personal growth. So, there is not a unique response for that. For some, it could represent either being a mom, getting their dream job, travelling around the world, getting married, enjoying being single, or simply appreciating whatever their chosen path is!

What can workplaces do to support women better?

There are many things to mention, but one valuable point could be offering equal paternity care. It’s widely known that child-raising still falls disproportionately on women. While companies shouldn’t interfere directly in an employee’s life, they should propose ways to minimize the burden, whether that’s helping women develop their skills even post-maternity leave or facilitating their return to work with flexible schedules that align their conditions.

Belu – Senior Marketing Manager

This picture is from the day I graduated from my Marketing Management degree at University of Washington in Seattle. I felt so accomplished! It was my first full program as an international student and I was planning my move to a city I had never been to before: Toronto. I like it because it reminds me of the excitement of getting to the finish line and the adrenaline from starting a new chapter.

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

“El mundo es un pañuelo” – I grew up hearing my mom say this. The translation would be “The world is a handkerchief” and it refers to the world being a much smaller place than one would imagine. My mom always emphasized the value of human connections and the realization that we are connected to one another in more ways we can imagine. Our neighbors could be friends with our friends, an ex-classmate whom we barely talked with can be our next colleague, etc. We are all connected to each other. 

What does self realization mean to you?

Living lightly, finding reasons to smile everyday, being the happy moment in someone’s day. 

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

Laura – Senior Manager, Customer Support

I like the picture because it was taken the day I did the most amazing hike in Banff.

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

Sounds cliché but to always trust your gut! It won’t let you down.

What does self realization mean to you? 

Reminding yourself that your potential is greater than you think.

What can workplaces do to support women better?

Continuing educational efforts surrounding gender inequality as a whole.

Rachelle – Senior Product Manager

I like this photo because I’m in one of my Happy Places – on top of a mountain, exhausted and exhilarated from a grueling trek up and surrounded by the most breathtaking landscape.

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

Growing up, I was a really shy and timid kid. One thing that my mom once said to me, which has always stuck with me is: Be kind, but don’t ever let anyone walk over you. It’s something my mom never let anyone do, and I think hearing that from her at a young age helped to foster a sense of confidence and assertiveness in me as I grew older.

What does self realization mean to you? 

To me, self realization means truly being comfortable in your own skin – quirks, flaws and all. It’s living as genuinely as possible and not worrying too much about what people think and expect of you, being okay with the fact that you are going to make mistakes and embracing that maybe, not everyone is going to like you.

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

I think that it’s really important for workplaces to champion women’s career progressions by making it a priority to identify and develop high-potential women at every level within their company. I think it’s also important for workplaces to ensure they are fostering a culture that makes space for all voices to be heard, not just of those who tend to express themselves more loudly (more often than not, men).

Taylor – Product Marketing Manager

This is a picture of me with a few of my colleagues. I’m thankful to work with such a great group of women who constantly lift each other up and help each other grow!

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

“We all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women around us are” – Rupi Kaur

What does self realization mean to you? 

To me, self realization means reaching your fullest potential and being your best self. 

What can workplaces do to support women better?

Through education and awareness workplaces can create a safe space that empowers women and fosters equality.

Katie – Software Engineer

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman?

Something that my mom tells me that brings me a lot of comfort and I try to remember: “no matter what happens, everything will be ok”

What does self realization mean to you?

To be kind, positive, and do the best we can, and accept that we sometimes make mistakes and learn from them.

What can workplaces do to support women better?

To value women’s perspectives, needs and abilities and appreciate that they might or may not be different.

Chelsie – Design Lead

I like this image because it reminds of 1. Traveling and the adventures I’ve experienced 2. That purple hair should be my natural hair colour. 

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

“Everyone shines, given the right lighting.”

– From Susan Cain’s book, Quiet

What does self realization mean to you? 

Finding and pursuing what you are excited and passionate about. And being brave enough to move on when it no longer brings you joy.

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

Give them the spotlight, highlight their hard work and accomplishments, make them leaders in the company.

Tori – Senior Customer Support Associate

I like this photo because it is of me doing what I am passionate about. It serves as a reminder to myself to always keep exploring and going on new adventures, as these are the things that make me feel the most alive, and help me keep everything in perspective.

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

Removing the word just from my vocabulary. Women tend to insert the word ‘just’ to come across as more accommodating, or less aggressive in their asks. My wants and requests are valid, and I don’t have to justify them by adding the word just in front of them. Whatever it is you’re trying to say, it will come across as more confident and with more ownership after removing just.

What does self realization mean to you? 

Self-realization is having the awareness and wherewithal to understand that I am capable and stronger than I may think, and I can accomplish whatever I set out to achieve. As much as I have internal strength, strength is also having the insight of when I need to ask for help. Goals and tasks often take longer to come to fruition, and this strength can shine through in the form of patience and trust in the process.

Valeria – VP, Marketing 

I like this photo because it includes all the things I love most: nature, travel, the countryside and some of my favorite people (both in front and behind the camera).

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

My mother always used to say “the morning is wiser than the evening,” an expression that originated from a Russian fairytale. It means that important decisions shouldn’t be made when you are tired, anxious or just not your optimal self. To this day, even if I have a very strong gut feeling about something, I’ll always sleep on it before making a final decision. 

What does self realization mean to you?

Inner peace. I think that our journey on this planet is one of coming home to ourselves, having all parts of ourselves, both external and internal, integrated in a way that brings us gratitude, joy and a strong sense of knowing who we are coupled with an ability to follow it and live accordingly. 

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

Make an explicit effort to amplify women’s voices. Many women I know are brilliant and extremely hard working, but when it comes to asking for what they deserve, being in the spotlight or taking credit, we still have a way to go. Asking women for their opinions in meetings, giving them opportunities to present their work and encouraging them to step outside of their comfort zone could be really helpful in helping them to get noticed and celebrated for their contributions. Also supporting working parents with more flexible schedules would help women feel like they do not need to choose between family and career commitments.

Paulina – Director, Business Operations

I have worked with a career coach in the past and one of the exercises was to identify your core values. Two of my core values are “silliness – life is too short to be too serious” and “adventure – challenging the everyday to live through and cherish a myriad of stories”. I love this picture because it captures my personality very well 🙂

What are the best words of wisdom shared with you by a woman? 

To be an effective leader, there is no need to become a man and adopt traditionally masculine qualities. Lean into your unique strengths to create your own authentic leadership style.

What does self realization mean to you?

Waking up in the morning and being excited about all aspects the day ahead.

What can workplaces do to support women better? 

Providing solid workplace programs to support expecting mothers, new parents, and parents returning back to work after leave.

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